fredag 4 december 2015


Nu är annonsen till boken färdig och kommer publiceras i Sydsvenskan under nästa vecka.
Ren och fin va?
Här alltså.

2 kommentarer:

Fredrik Reuterhäll sa...

GRATTIS LARS!!!!!! Du kommer sälje dem som smör! Bra jobbat!

Ian Janne Matt sa...

Dear Lars,

First, congratulations to the book about Ibrakadabra!
I see what you are doing now (calendar), and, if you determined to publish any photos of that kid Peter, my (beautiful model), take my photos! By courtesy of my little me, you receive permission to publish the picture without any obligations to me! That would be my contribution and appreciation to his father and Peter himself, two extraordinary Swedish photographers.
I watch football with one eye and goes through your friends' pages. Carefully..
To my "inexperienced" eye, that "Rain without tears" of MB, are the best, except your side, of course, which is a beautiful photo journal and an experience for me.

I wish you all merry Christmas and happy new year !



PS: We may drink beer in London sometime

Om mig

Malmö, Skåne, Sweden